Thursday, May 22, 2008

Rainy day cooking

atichokes are a waste, originally uploaded by girl from finito.

in a bold, somewhat stupid move, i decided that biking home in the rain was not enough and i should stop and pick up all the ingredients for a huge meal and spend all day cooking ... the results...
1. atichokes are a waste and i hate cleaning them

Veggie stuffing, originally uploaded by girl from finito.

2. whole grain veggie stuffing!!

3. sauteed fennel, artichoke hearts and leeks

red lentil soup, originally uploaded by girl from finito.

4. red lentil soup

tofu spanikopita, originally uploaded by girl from finito.

5. awesome tofu spanikopita

here comes the sun, originally uploaded by girl from finito.

6. and a break in the clouds and rain

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