Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Easter Eggs

Jars full of dye, originally uploaded by girl from finito.

I have never been so on top of things. This year I have finished 5 eggs! .. I managed to finish off the last two yesterday while I was waiting to go to the vet.

red background, originally uploaded by girl from finito.

fleur, originally uploaded by girl from finito.

I'm not entirely pleased with how the first 3 came out.. all on brown eggs.

diagonal, originally uploaded by girl from finito.

48 triangles, originally uploaded by girl from finito.

The last two turned out well..I can't believe I had never done a 48 triangle egg before

Ayalah's Egg, originally uploaded by girl from finito.

My friend Ayalah even came over and made one too! I love this. She's defiantly inspired me to do a non-geometric design.

Happy St.Patricks Day

St.Patricks Day, originally uploaded by girl from finito.

An excellent pin from mom and some Guinness for the holiday

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Cinnamon roooooollllls

Cinnamon roooooollllls, originally uploaded by girl from finito.

Been doing more baking and cooking as of late. These have been made twice. They are really good and - learning to be a bit more patient - they have risen and worked out really nicely. ahhhh hot fresh cinnamon buns. lovely. They have one extra step which makes them a bit more unique than others - when you roll out the dough you fold in a layer of cream cheese and then re-roll.. oooh so tasty.
The recipe come from Saveur magazine.. yum!